What Your Cat’s Sleeping Position Reveals About Their Health and Personality

#2. A Cat in a Box

Seeing your cat all cuddled up inside a box is definitely a sight to relish.

However, more than being cute, it conveys a very strong message about your cat.

A cat in a box position means that your cat is worried about its security and is seeking comfort and protection.

When cats sleep in smaller, congested areas, this shows their concern about safety.

The solid walls of a box make them feel secure by providing them with a tight and secure space.

Other than boxes, cats may also seek out drawers, bowls, and other objects that they can fit tightly into.

You need to assess why your cat is worried about her safety.

Maybe your cat is scared of other pets or children in the household.

You can help her out by creating an enclosed box with sufficient fluffiness inside to help her sleep comfortably.

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