Why In The World Would You Get A Boxer?! Here Are 10 Reasons…

Playful, Devoted, Bright, Loyal, Energetic, Friendly, Calm, Cheerful, Confident, Fearless, Brave, Intelligent… these are some of the words that describe a Boxer's temperament.

Want to know why on earth would you ever want a boxer as your pet!? This short video clip below explains it plain and simple. The characteristics of a boxer that we are secretly in love with!

1. They fight.
2. They shred stuff.
3. They beat up their owners!
4. They beg and drool.
5. They’re bad on a leash.
6. They are messy.
7. They are chickens.
8. They’re unpredictable.
9. They bully other animals.
10. They hog the couch / bed

…that’s why! 🙂

Got any other reasons? Share with us in the comments below!

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