10 hilarious reasons why German Shepherds can’t be trusted

6. If you’re wearing makeup, watch out! German Shepherds will lick your face to show their love and happiness, washing away any makeup that you’re wearing.

Source: Happiness Plunge

7. German Shepherds are able to perform Jedi mind tricks. If they want you to play with them, they’ll stare at you until you start throwing a ball or a stick. The Force is with them, so it’s best to just do what they want!

Source: Dog Vacay

8. German Shepherds are notorious spot-stealers. If you’re sitting on the couch and get up to grab a snack, they’ll immediately jump into your spot. Then, when you try to get them to move, they’ll stare at you with big eyes until you feel incredibly guilty. You’ll end up sitting on the floor while your dog happily naps.

Source: Buzz Sharer

9. Your windows will quickly become covered with nose prints from all the times your German Shepherd presses their nose against the glass. You’ll just have to get used to looking through a cloudy window.

Source: Stay at Home Mum

10. German Shepherds are actually thieves—they’ll steal your heart! You’ll realize how big a hole there was in your life before you got your German Shepherd. From that point on, you’ll always want to have a lovable, funny German Shepherd in your home.

Source: Dog Time

If you love German Shepherds, please be sure to visit German Shepherd Lovers on Facebook!

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