Wiggly ‘Wake-Up’ Pup Makes Sure Kids Start Their Day Off With A Smile

Meet Tallie, a wiggly dog who enjoys nothing more than waking up her family’s young children.

She takes her job very seriously.

Brittney Landrum and her family share their home with their lovable Goldendoodle, Tallie. Tallie is a morning dog since she is constantly eager to bounce and play at the first chance.

In light of this, it appears that the children of Landrum decided to use their dog as an alarm clock by rousing them from bed each morning with a flurry of licks and kisses.

Here is some video showing Tallie in action:

“Tallie loves waking up her friends! And BOTH kids ask for this! ” 

Landrum posted this online. “Happy Alarm Clock! ”

Tallie does not seem to have a snooze button, unlike most conventional alarm clocks, but her wake-up technique guarantees the family has a good mood to start the day.

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