Man lies on a couch. When he taps his chest, don’t take your eyes off the screen

As any dog enthusiast can tell you, canines tend to think all sorts of things about themselves: that they're people; that they're cats, ducks, horses or cows.

And some, despite weighing more than most people walking the planet, think they're lapdogs.

Meet Dozer, whose name becomes obvious when you get a look at him. A St. Bernard, Dozer checks in at 240 pounds, but that doesn't stop him from truly believing he's a lapdog when owner Matthew Modist lays down on the couch for a nap and pats his chest.

The St. Bernard is traditionally one of the largest dog breeds in the world, typically weighing between 110 and 200 pounds. They are also “extremely loyal, eager, and willing to please,” which probably explains Dozer's desire to leap onto his owner's body despite being smart enough to know this isn't such a great idea!

Check out the video on the next page to see Dozer the Saint Bernard, the world's biggest laptop and a 240lbs of drool and love!

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