For Years The Dog Lived Skinny And She Barely Resembled A Dog… But Her Transformation Will Make Your Jaw Drop

It’s a sad fact that not every dog will be born into a loving home – so many are born on the streets or are abandoned early on by their owners. Kelsey was one of these dogs.

She spent the early years of her life wandering the streets, living off scraps, and barely finding enough food to stay alive. That life took a dreadful toll on her body and spirit. What rescuers found her on the side of a road, she barely even resembled a dog.

Here is where Kelsey was found.

She was skinny, covered with wounds and had almost lost her coat completely.

You could see in her eyes that she had almost no hope left and she stepped into the car without any struggle.

Here she is at the veterinary hospital, a totally new environment for Kelsey.

Finally, she had enough to eat and drink.

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