14 RAREST Cat Breeds In The World

Egyptian Mau

Another cat that looks like a jungle cat is the Egyptian Mau. It's unique because its spots are actually natural to it.

No breeding or development is required. But that's only the start of what makes this cat so special.

This is one of the fastest breeds of domestic cats out there. In fact, it's been registered as going 30 mph! That's a really fast cat!

But wait, there's more!

The Egyptian Mau has been documented as having a very “musical” sounding voice, which is a big plus for cat owners who don't want to hear an annoying “meow” every 5 seconds.

Also, they have a very kind and gentle personality, making the Egyptian Mau a must have pet if you can actually get a hold of one…

…which, sadly, brings me to the fact that there are only about 7,000 of these cats in existence.

So they are a very rare breed.

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