12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

#10 – Yeast Dough

Image Source: Flickr - Patrick Yaeger
Image Source: Flickr – Patrick Yaeger


Bread makes you fat? While having a chubby puppy isn't the worst thing in the world, yeast dough used to make bread should absolutely be kept away from dogs.

What's In It:

The raw yeast dough from making bread can ferment in a dog's stomach, becoming toxic.

What It Can Do:

Aside from the toxicity from alcohol being produced in the stomach, yeast dough can also expand in your dog's stomach or intestines and create a large amount of gas in the digestive system. This can lead to severe pain and a potentially ruptured stomach or intestinal tract. Vomiting, abdominal discomfort and lethargy can also occur.

H/T VetMedicine

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2 thoughts on “12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

  1. Every dog I have ever owned has eaten cheese as a treat, not an excessive amount but nevertheless has had cheese, none of them have suffered because of it. My eldest dog was 16 and had cheese as a treat from day one at 10 weeks old and he never suffered.

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