12 Reasons Dachshunds Are The Worst Breed EVER

1. They are not good runners.

2. All Dachshunds are notorious food stealers.

3. They’ll take your stuff without asking.

4. They’re so lazy! All they do is sleep!

5. They’ll purposefully untie your shoelaces…

6. They always disturb you when you’re in the toilet…

7. Let’s not forget how violent they can be!

8. They will always be suspicious of you, no matter what.

9. They’ll lie to you.

10. They don’t see walls.

11. They WILL upstage the bride on her wedding day.

12. Whatever you do don’t get a Dachshund. Horrendous dogs!!!

Make sure to comment us with pictures of your Dachshund and why they’re the worst!

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