7 Surprising Reasons Why Dogs Lick Human Beings And What It Means

3. Seeking Attention

Dogs are made to love and be loved too. Which is why they always crave for your attention and do all kinds of things to get it.

This is similar to how kids perform their many crazy antics to receive attention and be noticed. Likewise, dogs would bark, wag their tails, rub themselves against us, jump on us, and even land their sloppy wet kisses by licking us.

This is done even more so when you are paying attention to something else more than them. So when they feel neglected or less loved they know what that’s the one thing they have to do.

When they do this, show them your love by patting them, rubbing their bellies, giving them a treat, and showing them how much you love them too. You know they deserve that from you more than anyone else!

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