7 Surprising Reasons Why Dogs Lick Human Beings And What It Means

7. Force Of Habit

If the habit of licking a person is encouraged, the dog assumes that the person enjoys the experience. Therefore, this operative conditioning makes the dog repeat the act of licking over and over again, not just to you but also those around you, until being told otherwise.

On the other hand, if a person discourages the dog from licking, then the dog begins to understand that they do not like it and stops that licking behavior soon after. However, that doesn’t mean they may stop doing that to other people. By then, they might understand who likes their licking habit and who doesn’t.

The reasons dogs lick us may be all, some, none, or more reasons than the ones listed above. So, here’s the untold story behind your canine’s licking, whether you enjoy it, simply take it because you love your dog so much or don’t like it at all.

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