After Beating Cancer This Teacher Got a Heartwarming Surprise at School

Here's the video of the chorus teacher, Gabrielyn Watson who took seven months off from work to battle and beat cancer was welcomed back to school with a heartwarming surprise performance she won't soon forget!

After hearing about her battle, former and current students pulled together to welcome her back to the classroom and thank her for all she’d done for them.

The surprise was orchestrated by Peter Frank, who was a finalist on the 10th season of “American Idol.” He contacted Kleenex to help with the surprise, and it was caught on video and shared by the company.

As Watson walked down the hallway, Frank jumps out singing “Amazing Grace,” and is joined by others.

Watson was so overcome with emotion that she dropped to the floor.

Watch the awesome surprise in the video below! …and SHARE this with your friends and family to spread a smile! 🙂

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