Dad Pretends To Eat From Cat’s Bowl, Cat’s Snappy Comeback Has Internet Rolling

One man took a great risk when he pulled his cat’s bowl away from the cat and pretended to eat from it.

By pulling this prank on his cat, the man faced many risks, such as losing an eye, scratches across his face, cat claws in his forehead, and imminent death. LOL!

Luckily for the man, the cat decided to take a more mature approach to deal with the situation. She spared the man of much pain and suffering and chose to take the Zen path to getting her bowl back.

Cool, calm and collected, the cat simply puts her paw out and makes her move. And no, she does not put her paw out to smack her owner across the face, although that would be the typical thing to do in my house! This man sure is lucky he didn’t have to make a visit to the eye-doctor after this little prank. Do not try this at home with your cat without adequate protection for your face!

Check out the video below to watch this cat’s cool comeback to her owner’s pranks.

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