He was involved in many activities…
…Including his favorite – napping!
There was plenty of time for that. 🙂
But Toothless Rooster Cogburn was given three months to one year to live. He made it to one year before getting too sick to carry on.
On June 2, 2014; “I watched the greatest friend, most loving pet and the most heroic fighter I’ve ever met sink into a well deserved final nap while his mother and I held his paws.”
According to Cody, everyone’s new hero: “I never thought I could love a pet as much as I loved him; as much as we loved him. Everyone who met him instantly loved him. His vets, our friends, a theater full of patrons when he performed a walk-on role in a play. He truly was one of a kind. We hope that we gave him enough good memories to wipe out any bad ones that came before.”
I’m sure the memories made with Cody and Kasie were the ones Toothless remembered most. Such an incredible, bittersweet story to share with everyone.

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THIS is why I’m in Sheltie Rescue.