Stray Clung To Curb Decided To Die, Smelled Real Food & Tried To Lift His Head

Stray animals face many challenges in order to survive. Animals cannot care for themselves, they need humans to intervene before it’s too late.

Whether they need food or shelter, it is up to us to step in and help. But not all humans are kind enough to do so.

For one dog, trying to find food had become impossible and he had, understandably, become desperate.

Locals had seen the dog cross the street before without incident. But this time he was struck by a car.

As he lay injured, tucked up against the curb, people passed by and did nothing for him. The scorching sun drained him of energy. He had accepted death.

Source: Paws 4 Hope/Youtube

The poor pup used the last of his reserves to make his way over to the roadside. He was lying in the shade crying when he was spotted by a true animal lover.

She vowed to put an end to his suffering. It broke her heart to hear him whimper and see him writhing in pain. There was no time to waste! He needed to be seen by a vet immediately!

Source: Paws 4 Hope/Youtube

Once at the medical clinic, the staff administered pain meds immediately. His blood work was frightening.

With such low red blood cells, he needed a transfusion along with IV fluids. Besides his injuries from the car, this dog was also dying from heatstroke.

Source: Paws 4 Hope/Youtube

Amazingly, the brave dog responded quickly to treatment! The medical staff and his rescuer were elated. This dog was going to make it although it would be an uphill battle.

That evening, he was able to sit up a bit and eat real dog food from a real bowl. It was a miracle!

Source: Paws 4 Hope/Youtube

With the medical staff rooting him on, the pup made tremendous strides. Each day, he got stronger and soon he was able to stand up all on his own.

His legs, weak and still healing, would give out fairly quickly but remember, this dog was at death’s door! Standing, if only for a few moments, was a huge step in the right direction.

Source: Paws 4 Hope/Youtube

The dog’s new human friends had a great idea. In order to take the strain off of his body while allowing him to get around, they decided to fit him for a wheelchair.

And he LOVES it! The wheelchair aids in strengthening his muscles as part of his physical therapy.

Source: Paws 4 Hope/Youtube

The doggy warrior continues to improve– and before long, he’s doing so much more on his own. Wait until you see what happens to the deserving dog next!

He was so close to death and was passed by like he didn’t even matter. But now those days are forever in his past!

To see this dog’s miraculous survival and what happens next, scroll down to the video. Thank you to all who participated in his care!

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