Most dog owners have seen rope toys before. Usually, they’re colorful and knotted, with tags attached claiming that they are safe, durable, and great for playing.
What the toy companies don’t tell you, though, is that they can be extremely dangerous — even fatal.
Source: Vizsla Dog Lovers / Facebook
Indria Tuckler, an experienced Golden Retriever breeder, published a post on Facebook that was shocking for dog lovers. It was regarding the rope toys…and it was filled with tragic news.
She purchased several rope toy balls (pictured above) at her local Home Goods. At first glance, they appeared to be durable toys for her dogs.
Only one day after buying the toys, though, she came home to them in pieces. She gathered up the debris and threw away the sections of rope, hoping that none of her dogs attempted to eat the pieces.
Source: Vizsla Dog Lovers / Facebook
Unfortunately, her one-year-old Golden Retriever Sam did ingest the rope toy. It unraveled, and as she tried to pass it, it tore several holes in her intestines.
During emergency surgery, the surgeons removed 3 feet of rope and 14 inches of perforated intestines.
Source: Vizsla Dog Lovers / Facebook
Sam became septic and bled from her intestines into her stomach. It happened so quickly, her owner didn’t have the option for another surgery.
Tragically, she passed away two days after ingesting the rope toy.
The heartbroken breeder posted online to caution other dog owners from buying the dangerous rope toys. The following is the information she included in her warning:
- The toys can be found at Petsmart, Petco, Homegoods, Marshall’s and TJ Maxx
- The rope balls fell apart within one day
- The dog’s symptoms after ingesting the toy were: vomiting, diarrhea, excessive water consumption and lack of appetite (which are common symptoms that can be mistaken for stomach upset, parasites, parvo, and other issues)
- It’s difficult to identify ingested rope; x-rays do not work well and ultrasounds will show the rope, but only surgery will confirm
- The only treatment is surgery
- Dogs of every age and breed are at risk
Many dog owners don’t expect rope toys to be dangerous, but when the rope unravels, it’s deadly. Linear objects pose more danger when ingested because they will travel along the intestines, gather into a tight ball, and severely damage the tissue.
Sam’s death was completely senseless; these toys should be banned from being sold.
Make sure to tell family, friends, co-workers, and any animal lover you know that these toys are deceptively fatal and to stop buying them. If the word is spread, the lives of innocent dogs could be saved.
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