Family Cracks Up When Dog Playing Hide & Seek “Runs Away” With Inflatable Pool

Whenever dogs spot children playing together, their natural instinct is to join in the party.

But there are times when the over-excited dogs goof up while having fun, and land themselves in the most hilarious accidents!

Source: America's Funniest Home Videos/Youtube

In this video, we see the comical antics of a Black Labrador who loves playing with his human siblings. As the weather is particularly pleasant, Mom has let the kids take the inflatable pool to the backyard for some refreshing fun.

Before the pool is filled with water, the kids decide to hide under the pool and indulge their dog in a game of hide and seek.

As soon as the kids disappear under the pool, Mom instructs the dog to find them. The enthusiastic pooch immediately races to the pool and puts in all his might to uncover the kids!

Source: America's Funniest Home Videos/Youtube

However, the dog is not done with the game yet. He believes that it is his turn to play “hide and seek”, so he slips under the pool, lifts it with his body and starts running away at full speed. The pool looks possessed as it “comes to life” and “flies” across the empty backyard!

Source: America's Funniest Home Videos/Youtube

The kids, cracking up at their dog’s antics, run frantically and somehow manage to get hold of the rogue pool, forcing their dog to crawl out from under the pool.

But the cheeky boy is hardly bothered by the chaos he just caused. He looks so pleased with himself that he wags his tail happily and runs to Mom again.

Aww! We would love to play with this cheerful furball!

Click the video below to watch the Black Lab’s hilarious adventure with the inflatable pool!

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