This Dog’s Clever Trick Was Astonishing – And He Had An Extra Surprise In Store

Dogs can be taught all sorts of incredible commands and tricks; their intelligence and capability to understand their human counterparts never ceases to amaze!

When passers-by spotted this dog on the street, they were astonished by his cleverness. His owner had taught him how to walk another dog…

…but no one realized this pup and an additional surprise hiding behind him.

Source: Storyful Rights Management / YouTube

He wasn’t just walking one dog, he was walking two!

Source: Storyful Rights Management / YouTube

Both of the smaller dogs were happily trotting next to their protective friend. All three of them were being exceptional “good boys” on this particular walk.

Source: Storyful Rights Management / YouTube

Training one dog to walk nicely on a leash is one thing, but teaching him to walk nicely while leading two other pack members on a walk? That’s incredible!

Hopefully, once they got home, they all had a nice drink of water and a yummy treat.

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