You know those pesky, little high-tech gadgets always seem to get in the way of relationships; your beloved is over there staring at that screen, and all you want is a little attention. Well, it seems it’s no different for dogs.
The little boy, Elliott is playing on his iPad, but his dog, Gemma the Pit Bull just wants some attention. The jealous pit bull does her best to win over her little human brother while he plays learning games on the iPad.
She keeps kissing him with that big, wet tongue to try and win the boy over, but he’s just too preoccupied to care.
Awww! A great reminder to pay attention to those right next to us instead of focusing on inanimate objects, don’t you think? Too cute!
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Jr Luciano
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Awww poor baby she wants attention.
Dit Myers
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Love that little pup.