18 Beautiful Moments When Rescued Animals Told Their Heroes ‘Thank You’

6. Abigail the kangaroo was rescued and transported to safety to live at the Alice Springs Reserve when she was just five months old! Ten years later, she can’t help herself from hugging her rescuers every single time she sees them.

Look at this picture of baby Abigail and try not to tear up! This photograph was taken the day she first arrived at Alice Springs. You can tell she’s already had to endure so much. Thank goodness for her human rescuers! 

7. When Nora the dog was rescued from an abusive home, she was too scared of people to let anyone approach her. That all changed when her adopters gave birth to a little boy named Archie. Now Nora is just totally devoted to this special boy who helped give her life purpose.

8. Brazilian soldiers found this jaguar, named Jiquitaia, dying in the middle of the Amazon jungle. They helped nurse her back to health and when it became clear that she wouldn’t survive in the wild, she happily became one of their own!

9. When Rademenesa the cat was just two months old, she was brought to this animal clinic with a potentially fatal condition. The medical team saved her life, and now she expresses her thanks by comforting other sick cats who are brought to the shelter.

10. Firefighter William Linder saved this puppy, Jake, from a barn fire. Over 75 percent of his body was burned in the blaze. He surely would have died if William had not risked his life to save this puppy who will forever be in his debt.

Although Jake pulled through just fine, his owners abandoned him at the veterinary clinic where he was being treated. William didn’t think twice: he adopted Jake, and now the duo are seldom far from one another!

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