Senior Dog Depressed With Blindness, Gets Contact Lenses & Sees The World Again

When a senior Pit Bull named Gremlin started losing her eyesight, life literally went dark for her pretty quick. She was taken for cataract surgery, but it backfired, and she became completely blind in one eye, and had negligible vision in the other. Here is a video of her walking into walls (the article is continued below):

Her optical nerves could not sustain the surgery, so now, the blinded Gremlin was unable to walk around the house. She would often bump into walls, getting more depressed by the day.

Slowly, Gremlin stopped playing with her canine siblings. She would get startled by little noises, and, most of the time, she would just sit motionless in the corner.

Source: YouTube/Julie LeRoy

Her parents couldn’t bear to see their playful dog wither away like that. So they consulted the doctor again. The doctor recommended a risky lens transplant. But, considering the earlier debacle, they didn’t want another surgery.

Source: YouTube/Julie LeRoy

Finally, they decided to try human lenses for Gremlin. Although a crude idea, they wanted to try any safe way to make Gremlin happy again. With bated breaths, they ordered a high-powered lens and put it on Gremlin for the first time. Here’s the video of them putting in Gremlin’s contact lenses for the first time (the article is continued below):

Surprisingly, the trick worked! The moment when Gremlin sees her parents again is so heart-touching. With all her fears gone, she instantly transformed into the happy, fun-loving dog that she always was!

Check out the video below to watch Gremlin exploring her house for the first time after getting her contact lenses!

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