Blu is a sweet boy that only acts up when no one is present. In this video, he was told to go to bed and be a good boy while mom and dad went on a date. Apparently, Blu wasn't ready for bed … so he ate it. When the parents came home, what they found was only the remnants of what was once a gorgeous, fluffy dog bed and they knew exactly who to blame.
Blue knew he was guilty of this crime and he did his best to explain what happened – in typical husky fashion, just with a little extra tantrum on the side! He knows mom is angry and will reprimand him heavily for it, so Blue did what he knows best – he cried and howled as loud as he can, talking over mom’s accusations and lowering his head to avoid eye contact.
Blu's behavior is hilarious! The Husky was behaving like a child when they hear something they don't like. You know, that whole ordeal where they plug their ears and make noise, saying that they can't hear you. This hilarious reaction is something of unusual nature for dogs!
Check out this husky talking back to his parents!
Kirsten Hernandez
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You’re not supposed to put a dog in their crate as punishment. That’s supposed to be their den or safe space. They will learn to hate it and resent it. He is very cute tho. Love huskies they are so vocal ❤ it’s adorable.
Renee Haigh
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Nikki Rouse
Nikki Rouse
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Sounds like shannon
Sarah-lee Ann Rashleigh
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Nicola Moniz I hope Dexter does this!!!
Dezarae McNeil
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Jean Marie Vallentgoed thought it was ivy lol
Patricia Hogan
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Debra Lynn
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Sinai Sammons
Debra Lynn
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yes. So funny!