Malformed Puppy Rejected By Her Mom And Owner Is Discarded Like Trash

When this tiny puppy was born, she was immediately rejected by everyone, including her own mother. Her legs were malformed and her disability was not acceptable.

Instead of being loved and cared for, she was left behind like garbage. But thankfully, a kind rescuer found her in time!

The rescuer took her to the shelter where she could get medical care. The first night, she cried and cried. She wanted her mother and siblings.

She wanted to nurse. But that was not an option. The volunteers did all they could to soothe her.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/Youtube

The puppy was fed and loved. They made sure she’d stay warm and dry. This is a fulltime job with a puppy this young and helpless.

But no one was giving up on her. And she was not giving up on herself. She’s a little fighter!

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/Youtube

Her new caregivers didn’t see her disability; all they saw was a sweet puppy who needed love. She had to be put on a special diet so she would gain weight.

She has a long way to go with growth, but each day she gets stronger. The puppy will learn all about the good in people.

There are so many dog lovers out there that do not care about her legs. To her, she’s just perfect. She’s perfect to us too!

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/Youtube

Once she’s old enough, the shelter and rescuers will look for a forever family. No matter what her legs look like, she deserves a happy life filled with love. Any family would be lucky to have her.

Source: AnimalSTEP Official/Youtube

Animals with special needs struggle to find homes. They are the first to be euthanized at kill shelters. Let’s do our part and share stories like this one.

It is so important for others to view special needs pets as we do! To see more about the puppy’s rescue, scroll on down and play the video.

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