World’s “Saddest” Dog Wandered In Empty Roads Trying To Find A Morsel Of Food


Merlin was a diseased homeless dog when he was found wandering in empty fields and roads in hopes of finding a morsel of food.

His destiny was worse than death, as he was looked down upon by people for his diseased skin that made him look like a “monster”.

Source: Viktor Larkhill/Youtube

The kind strangers who rescued Merlin took him to the hospital, but his condition only worsened. With leishmania, mange and parasite infestation, Merlin’s wounded skin would ooze out and he would cry in unbearable pain.

His hairless skin further cracked in many places, causing Merlin to lose all his strength. He failed to stand on his own and looked away whenever anyone petted him.

He looked like the saddest dog in the world, and rescuers wondered if there was any way to get him healed.

Source: Viktor Larkhill/Youtube

However, the rescuers never gave up on Merlin, despite his unwillingness to live. Gradually, his skin began healing bit by bit.

But the dog’s tortured heart was still closed off. He looked like an empty shell receiving treatment, but then, the miracle happened!

Source: Viktor Larkhill/Youtube

After Merlin’s gorgeous fur had grown back, the rescuers introduced him to other rescue dogs in the shelter. Befriending dogs who had been as unlucky as him changed his outlook completely!

Source: Viktor Larkhill/Youtube

Merlin now feels accepted by dogs as well as humans. He knows he has had a soul-crushing past, but he believes all his hardships will be over the moment he finds his forever family.

Hope gleams in his eyes and he’s ready to face life again! We’re sure this gentle baby will be adopted soon! Stay strong, Merlin!

Click the video below to watch Merlin’s miraculous journey of healing and finding hope again!

WARNING: The contents of this video may be disturbing to some viewers.

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