These Unintentionally Hilarious Kids Are Cracking People Up Without Even Knowing It

11. May The Force Be With Tutus

No matter how much we dress them up and clean them off, young children seem to have a penchant for finding dirt and covering themselves in at without a care in the world.

Couple that behavior with some unintentional pop culture reference and snap a photo that the family will chuckle over in adoration for years.


We can only hope as much will be the case for this adorable, little tutu-ed Jedi warrior whose parent mentioned on Reddit that their daughter “looks like she just destroyed an entire Sith army.”

The Force is certainly with this one, even if she doesn’t know it yet.

12. Civil Disobedience

Any parent of young children can tell you that one of their biggest challenges, time and time again, is getting them to go to bed at a decent time, and to sleep through the night.

You would be hard-pressed to find a parent who hasn’t known the struggle of getting their little ones to understand that playtime is over.


Many children would opt for the easy, instinctive route of throwing a temper tantrum. But some kids take a more creative approach, deciding they can beat the game by creating their own rules.

This little girl decided that if her parents couldn’t see her, then surely they couldn’t send her to bed. Seems convincing enough!

13. In The Lap Of Luxury

For all the hard work that it takes raising a child, there are small moments of thoughtful consideration from their end that make the experience all that much more worth it.

One of the sweetest and simplest acts of love they could do is to bring their parents breakfast in bed.


Of course, when you’re too young to go out to the store on your own, you have to make do with whatever you can find in the kitchen, and the ensuing result can be unintentionally hysterical.

Take for example this kid who had a strong start with the croissant, and then switched directions pretty quickly. Apparently he also got hungry on the way, because that string cheese had a little accident.

14. Santa’s Little Helpers

Apparently this guy was going less in the direction of milk and a plate of cookies, and more towards a peanut butter and banana sandwich.

It would appear that the instructions for this elementary school’s Christmas pageant were to dress up as elves, but one little rock star heard things differently.


The other kids in the class seem pretty unfazed by the one Elvis in the room of elves. Hopefully, this picture will appear on VH1’s Behind the Music years from now when this young non-conformist is a major recording artist.

One thing’s for sure: he’s definitely not having a “Blue Christmas.”

15. Missing The Point, But Technically Correct

Many class projects for kids in elementary school are designed not only to showcase the young student’s artistic chops (or lack thereof), but specifically to remind their parents how much they are appreciated.

Making a mug is not only a nice gesture, but is a gift that can actually be useful.


For this meaningful Mother’s Day gift, students were likely asked to write a message of love to their mother. Some likely waxed poetic.

This young wordsmith, however, had a different message — cutting, bold, genuine and unintentionally hysterical in all its blunt veracity.

Not only is this kid on track to acing biology class, but he should probably check out a youth comedy club.

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