12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

#8 – Avocados

Image Source: Flickr - Kristina
Image Source: Flickr – Kristina


You might want to hold off sharing that guac with your doggy pal. He'll thank you for it later.

What's In It:

Avocado leaves, pits, bark and fruit contain a toxin called persin.

What It Can Do:

Avocados can have toxic effects on dogs depending on the variety. They can cause upset stomachs in dogs, breathing difficulties, fluid buildup in the chest, but the most dangerous thing for them seem to the be the pit. Since it's slippery, the pit can accidentally be swallowed by dogs, leading to obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract.


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2 thoughts on “12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

  1. Every dog I have ever owned has eaten cheese as a treat, not an excessive amount but nevertheless has had cheese, none of them have suffered because of it. My eldest dog was 16 and had cheese as a treat from day one at 10 weeks old and he never suffered.

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