21 Strangest Dog Behaviors and the Meanings Behind Them

10) Rolling on their back in the grass.

Dogs roll in grass for a lot of reasons. They could be scratching an itch, or attempting to change their own body scent.

What smells good to us might smell unpleasant to our dogs.

For example, the smell of scented shampoos on dog's fur…

…may send them running outside to roll on the stinkiest thing they can find.

Another reason your dog may roll in the grass is to mark their territory or deposit their scent. By rubbing their scent off on an area, like a carpet or a new dog bed, they are marking it as theirs.

Interestingly enough, rolling on grass is also an instinctual behavior from back in the days when your dog's wild ancestors would mask their scent to sneak up on prey.

Wolves, for example, have been observed rolling in the droppings of plant-eating animals or animal carcasses to cover up their own scent during the hunt.

This is why you may notice that your dog smells the ground before they roll around on it.

Finally, your dog may roll in the grass simply because it feels good.

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