21 Strangest Dog Behaviors and the Meanings Behind Them

18) Why dogs hump.

A dog may start humping your leg or a leg of your guest in your home. How awkward is that? And what is the meaning behind it?

Often times, it's not what you think.

In general, dogs hump something to establish their territory. Even a stuffed animal.

So when dogs hump, this is not necessarily a sexual activity. They just want to show you, your guest, another dog or a teddy bear which pet rules the house.

Sometimes humping is a sign that the dog is over-excited, seeking attention, or relieving some anxiety. They also hump to release energy.

And although people generally associate dog humping with male dogs, female dogs do it too. Yes, both male and female dogs hump.

Let's put it this way. If your dog is humping the leg of one of your guests, it could just be their way of greeting them in order to establish their dominance.

If you feel embarrassed by this behavior, you can distract your dog with a toy.

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