21 Strangest Dog Behaviors and the Meanings Behind Them

19) Why dogs drag their butts on the floor.

This one isn't so humorous and it shouldn't be embarrassing, although it may seem so at the time.

Your dog dragging their bottom on the ground, also known as Scooting, is almost always a sign that something is irritating your dog— like Infection, inflammation, or worms.

More often than not, this irritation has to do with anal sac problems.

While humans can't really relate to it, dogs have anal sacs located on both sides of their rear end that contain a foul, fishy smelling liquid.

These are internal organs which a dog uses to communicate with other dogs.

These anal sacs can be blocked, inflamed, or abscessed. This is why dogs start scooting. It is their attempt to relieve the pain and discomfort.

Your dog may try to lick the infected area in order to feel better.

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