25+ Times Dogs Proved They Understand Unconditional Love Better Than Humans Do

11) Look Into My Eyes

Source: Pinterest

The look this dog is giving his owner is unmistakable. He loves her, and she knows it. Not every dog will sit there in the snow and sit quietly. And I am sure that she loves him just as much.

12) The Broken Leg

Source: Reddit

This man’s wife had a broken leg. Unfortunately, no one can get near it. Their dog looks ready to do what he must to keep everyone away from her injured leg. I wonder what will happen when she has to go to the doctor to get the cast removed.

13) Walking Together

Source: Eruthphotography

Here’s a dog and his little friend as they walk down a wooded path. It looks like she has a good companion in this wolf half-breed. I am curious as to whether this dog has been with her since she was a baby and is now her friend for life?

14) Sleeping Together

Source: Jessicalaceyphotography

Here’s another example of a little baby and a puppy growing up together. Here they lie, asleep together. They look so innocent. They have no idea what the world will throw at them later on in life, but I think they will be OK as long as they have each other.

15) Puppy Pillow

Source: evines

This little girl is using her doggie companion as a pillow, but it doesn’t seem that she minds. She is content to lay there and let her little friend snuggle close. She better enjoy it while she can because when the little girl gets older, she may not have the time for such snuggling.

16) Goodbye

Source: Reddit

Sometimes it just so hard to say goodbye. According to the poster, this is how her dog says its farewells, with one last hug out the car window before leaving. With such a sweet goodbye, I bet the hellos are even sweeter.

17) Pretty, Pretty Princess

Source: jenmaunder

Look how obedient this dog is, sitting patiently while his little friend blows bubbles. Never mind the fact that she has him dressed as a pretty, pretty princess. I have a feeling he doesn’t mind and would be willing to do just about anything for this little girl.

18) Little Brother

Source: Reddit

This dog has a new little brother. I bet she can’t wait until he is old enough to play with. It looks like she is already totally devoted to the tiny babe. Or, maybe, she is trying to decide what it is?

19) Bath Time

Source: JenniferKapalaPhotography

Here are two boys with their dog taking a bath. It looks like the dog doesn’t like to get wet — with hilarious results. I hope Mom is ready to clean up the mess they are making, but at least the dog is clean. Talk about killing two birds with one stone.

20) Looking Up

Source: KatrinaParryPhotography

Here is a small pup looking up to its little master, holding out its paw as they play outside. I wonder if he is offering his paw as an oath to be the boy’s lifelong companion and friend. I hope the boy takes such a thing seriously, as good friends are hard to come by.

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