25+ Times Dogs Proved They Understand Unconditional Love Better Than Humans Do

21) The Protectors

Source: Reddit

When this pet owner got sick, all the household pets decided to protect him, even the cat. Knowing cats, I have a feeling that the cat is just there because he doesn’t want to be left out of the party.

22) This Tastes Funny

Source: Pinterest

I wonder what a baby’s back tastes like. I bet this dog could tell you. Probably all sweet and sugary. Then again, this dog could be giving his little friend a good cleaning. At the very least he could make sure to dry him after he is done.

23) Just Chillin’

Source: Imgur

The patient of this dog is amazing. It’s not every day that you find an animal willing to sit still long enough to act as an impromptu back rest. Must be nice to be able to sit back, chill, and watch a little TV without even needing a chair.

24) Love in Return

Source: Pinterest

Here is a sweet moment between a dog owner and her dog. Look at the love each of them have for each other, as evidenced in this simple hug. You can tell that dog loves her with all his heart, as I am sure she does too.

25) Water Dog

Source: Reddit

This dog is such a help when its owner is sick; he even brings them water. I’m not sure if the dog is doing it out of the kindness of his heart or if he’s been trained to fetch water when asked. Either way, it seems like just another one of the nice perks of owning a dog.

26) Hold My Paw

Source: Reddit

This man’s dog is trained to make his owner hold his paw when the owner gets sad. I’ve always wondered if dogs trained in such a manner have a sense of compassion when following their training or if they do it because that is what they were taught to do. I would like to think that this dog really loves his owner and would gladly do this service, trained or not.

27) Waiting for Master to Return

Source: Reddit

This sweet little dog is sitting patiently by the front door awaiting the arrival of his owner. It’s uncanny how dogs can sense their owner, even when they are still driving up the street. While I know it is probably just a familiarity with the sound of their vehicle, I like to think they have super powers instead.

28) The Savior

Source: Imgur

This man’s wife saved their tiny dog’s life by jumping into an icy pond to save him. Exhausted, the wife fell asleep after returning home from their icy ordeal. This is how the husband found the dog as his wife slept.

29) Mom’s Dog

While this dog might belong to her child, it looks like mom has the full devotion of every dog in the house. According to this poster, when her mom feels bad, her dog can be found right by her mother’s side.

30) Hug Me

Source: Reddit

This dog owner describes how the best part of his day is the hug he receives when he returns home from work. In this photo, you can see just how much his dog loves and misses him.

31) Forever Friend

Source: Imgur

This dog, named Tony, stayed by the side of his owner when he got injured pruning a tree next to their house. Having fallen, the paramedics were called. The whole time Tony sat protectively atop his master trying to console him.

If you ever doubted the saying that a dog is a man’s best friend, we are sure these emotional photos made you think otherwise.

Please make sure you SHARE the heartwarming moments depicted in the pictures with your loved ones.

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