Runaway Cow Causes Ruckus At RodeoHouston, Hilariously Escapes Into The Stands

A runaway heifer cow managed to find her way inside NRG Arena for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo.

While the sudden gate-crashing might sound chaotic, the cow’s exploits caught on video show that the situation was handled pretty well.

Source: ABC13 Houston/YouTube

In the video, we see the cow calmly walking through a row of chairs. The volunteers at the event rush in to help the cow out, but the cow panics and starts going the other way.

After several minutes of struggle, they are safely able to move the cow out of the stands.

The cow is now being kept with other livestock, and she seems hilariously oblivious of all the trouble that she caused throughout the day! No one suffered any injuries, and the event resumed smoothly.

Source: ABC13 Houston/YouTube

However, this is not the first time an animal got loose at RodeoHouston. Back in 2010, a bull caused a frenzy in the event, and it took a lasso rider on a horseback to get things under control. Compared to this, the current ruckus was a cake-walk!

Click the video below to watch the hilarious video of the poor cow being stranded in the stands!

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