English Bulldog
People who have English Bulldogs are laid back and easygoing. After all, this dog is the type to want to hang out on the couch and just chill. These owners appreciate relaxing over super-active lifestyles, and they place a lot of value on enjoying life.
You are charismatic and have a very laid-back personality. You’re not a materialistic person whatsoever, and you enjoy just hanging out with family and friends. You’ve got a great sense of humor and can mesh with just about anybody–but don’t let the niceness fool anyone, you definitely have an occasional grouchy side.
Famous Owners: Adam Sandler, Winston Churchill, John Legend
More: Newly-Adopted English Bulldog Has The BEST Day Of His Entire Life. I Can’t Stop Smiling!
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John Harris
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My favorite breed wasn’t even on this list.