12 Human Foods That Could Kill Your Dog

While we often think of our dogs as family members, treating them as such at mealtimes can do more harm to them than merely spoiling them by spicing up their dinners. Here’s #11 of the twelve most dangerous “human” foods that could kill your dog, what's in them, and what it can do to your dogs. (To be taken to the top of this article, CLICK HERE)

#11 – Caffeine

Image Source: Flickr - Jlhopgood
Image Source: Flickr – Jlhopgood


No idea who would ever share coffee with a dog. I mean, what do they have to do all day other than sleep and look out the window?  In all seriousness, owners should never let their dogs near coffee or any form of caffeine.

What's In It:

Coffee contains a stimulant known as Methylated xanthine.

What It Can Do:

Methylated xanthine stimulates the nervous system in dogs, causing vomiting, restlessness, heart palpitations and even death.

H/T Can I Give My Dog

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