Crazy Cat Naps: Hilarious Photos That Prove Cats Can Sleep Anywhere

11. Stretching The Limits

At first glance, it might not be clear as to what exactly this cat is doing. Is this cat sunbathing? Or is it stretching its abs after a hard workout of sit ups? Maybe it’s raising its arms out of pure joy? One Reddit user posted this picture of his friend’s cat and guessed that it must be melting.


Nope, this happy kitten is just sleeping, of course. And just like anyone else who likes to spread out as wide as they can while they sleep, we are left wondering if there’s anymore room for anyone else on the couch. It’s fine, we can just take the floor. We wouldn’t want to disturb that deep of a slumber, anyway.

12. Cat’s Out Of The Bag

This particularly odd choice for a sleeping arrangement has us thinking about a certain song by Phoebe Buffay about a certain notorious cat in the show Friends. We can’t imagine that this would be a comfortable place to take a rest, but judging by this cat’s very serene looking face, it doesn’t seem to mind.


Anyone who has had a cat knows that most of them have a strange affinity for lying on pieces of paper (and usually their favorite ones are the important papers you need at that very moment). So the most logical explanation we can think of is that this paper-filled waste bin was too appealing for this sleepy kitty to pass up. Well, at least, we hope it was filled with just paper.

13. Taking A Cat Nap

Life is hard, especially if you’re a cat with no responsibilities, no errands you need to run and no bills that have to be paid. Just kidding, being a cat sounds pretty great, actually. But for those of us humans who have errands, bills and responsibilities, some comic relief from a cat can help during the most frustrating, groan-worthy moments.


That’s why many users on Reddit related so well to this sleeping cat, who fell asleep sitting up and making a face that anyone who has experienced an early Monday morning workday can understand. We can almost hear this cat groaning about having to go to work and get out of bed.

14. Appreciating The Arts

Ahh, the joys of going for a day in the local park, picking a relaxing spot under the sun, laying out in the warmth, and taking a well deserved nap. This cat seems to agree, and it is showing us how a “cat nap” is really done.


In this serene scene, this exhausted kitten is also showing us the true meaning of enjoying the arts. While in a park, this cat decided that this sculpture of a man and a woman looking off in the distance was the perfect place to curl up. We’d like to say that this cozy-looking ball of fur has the act of napping down to an art!

15. Puss in Boots

Audiences first met the fictional version of “Puss in Boots” in the Shrek movies. Then, later, in 2011, theater goers got a chance to see the character star in a film of his own, aptly titled Puss in Boots. The movie featured the famous orange tabby cat voiced over by actor Antonio Banderas.


This real life version doesn’t include Antonio Banderas, an animated action/fantasy film, or talking ogres and donkeys. But, luckily, this actual puss in a boot does include an adorable orange tabby cat and leather footwear. Instead of a feisty fairy tale character, this cat is really real, really cute, and really tired.

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