Crazy Cat Naps: Hilarious Photos That Prove Cats Can Sleep Anywhere

16. God Is A Kitten

At first glance, this kitten doesn’t seem to be taking a siesta in a necessarily strange position. It certainly is not a cactus or a high banister for a flight of steps. But one Reddit user pointed out a strikingly hilarious similarity between this picture of a sleepy kitten and another, more famous, image.


Take a moment and, just as a refresher, Google the famous fresco painting The Creation of Adam. You know, that pretty well-known painting by Italian artist Michelangelo, known around the world for being masterfully painted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. Yes, that one. See the resemblance?

17. The Cat’s Pajamas

We’ve heard of sleeping in pajamas, of course. And we’ve even heard of sleeping on top of pajamas (for those tough nights when you’re too tired to put away your clothes so you just sleep right on top of them). But we’ve never heard of something quite like this.


We almost missed him hidden there, but this inventive kitten has found a new meaning to the cat’s pajamas. It actually made a bed of hangers on top of its owners hung up PJs. We’re left with a few questions here, like how can this be comfortable? And how did this cat even get up there? But we’ll let sleeping dogs (or cats) lie when it comes to this one.

18. Printer Jam

For some reason, printing out documents is something that tends to become much more difficult than it should be. Between connecting the computer to the printer, making sure it works, making sure there is enough paper and enough ink, the unnecessary complications that come with printing a document can be maddening.


And while paper jams can be common, this kind of paper jam is a little bit more out of the ordinary. Imagine this cat owner’s surprise when they went to check their printer and found this sleepy kitty. We’ll take this over a jammed document anyway, and we are glad that this cat’s owner documented this adorable photo.

19. The Purrfect Spot

Falling asleep in front of the television is definitely very common. But falling asleep behind the television? That is something that you do not get to see every day. But one day, a Reddit user found their cat doing just that, and decided to snap this adorable photo of this sleeping cat.


There’s the term “stuck between a rock and a hard place,” but this cat is stuck between a wall and a hard place. From the tight fit, to the plugs jutting out of a television, we can’t imagine this is comfortable. But for now, let’s just enjoy this photo and not disturb the deep slumber.

20. Goodnight, Sleep Tight

There are teacup puppies, teacup cats, there are even teacup pigs these days. But the baby kitten you see here is not one of those adorable teacup sized cats. She’s just a normal sized kitten – but she prefers to sleep in teacup holders, apparently.


The strange sight led one Reddit user to post this picture online and explain that her friend’s new kitten likes napping in her car’s cup holders. It’s definitely a strange place to nap, and we can imagine it would be inconvenient if this cat’s owner has any cups she needs holding. But we’ll take fur babies over beverages any day.

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